Dawning of My Blog

One year and two months ago I began to blog. That’s in round figures and I probably could put a precise date on it, but I won’t.

I recall I came to WordPress, tired of tumblr, and found myself wide-eyed at the blogs I saw. People had gorgeous photos and intelligent/thoughtful/profound/Your Adjective Here Please posts. There were topics I never knew existed being explored. It was like being among the “cool kids” at high school and I was intimidated.

Still, I had been nagged to post my creative writing by a friend. He said I should share it so the world could see it, if they were so inclined.

So, I dusted off my pen and paper. I posted my first ever blog post, intending to tell the reader a bit about myself. Soon enough I was telling another friend every time I had a new notification and his encouragement spurred me on.

Then there was the first piece of proper creative writing – an actual poem. I recall fretting over it: did I change things, did I leave it as was? In the end I posted. It felt liberating and not nearly as terrifying as I thought.

I continued to post. And so goes my blogging journey.


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