The Thinker

I hunted out my iPod today. It’d slipped to the bottom of a bag, as it tends to do – it’s not even all that tiny to get lost easily. At a guess I’d say it’s about the size of an iPhone, not that I am versed in these things.

Miraculously, the battery wasn’t run-down yet. (Myself, on the other hand…)

Anyway, so I flicked it on. Went to the Notes tab – only to discover 103 notes waiting for me. I do the same thing on my phone, basically whichever is closest/most charged, and keep a long list of notes. A grocery list of poems and stories, as it were. Things I need to pull from the shelving system my brain has going, and stack them in the cart that is this blog.

Okay, enough of that metaphor.

I discovered fan-fiction ideas. I found a list of scenarios that take my 2015 NaNoWriMo to a series. I spied mysteries, tucked under a simple question mark: ?

Essentially, I am now one tall stack of notes. Fan-fictions and poetry and short stories all wait to be scribed by my hands.

3 thoughts on “The Thinker”

    1. I’m the same – there’s definitely something to scribbling down ideas on a notepad. I have several pads of paper lying around just for that purpose.

      No doubt there’s a study on it somewhere 😉


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