Standing, Staring, Sulking

OK, this isn’t quite a chore, but it is a thing I get stuck doing quite frequently.

Waiting for buses. 

Come rain, hail or shine I find myself springy-stepping towards the bus stop in the morning, and then after my classes I lag, dragging my heels to the other one. I stand at the bus stop by the pizza place and wonder if I can persuade my parents that they want pizza for dinner, or the one by the music school and wonder why I can never hear music. 

It should be noted that I am not perceived as a patient person. When I tell my parents I’m patient, they React with amusement or skepticism. The general consensus is that I am not patient. I don’t like waiting for buses: it’s boring and I can never quite predict when one is going to arrive. They appear at will, which is not something I enjoy. I have a fondness for routine and structure.

This is why, at a wide variety of times during the week, I can be seen at a bus stop, staring sulkily into the distance.

9 thoughts on “Standing, Staring, Sulking”

  1. I hear you – I hate waiting and I know patience is a virtue but it seems as if it is one I have neglected to cultivate … sigh once again much work needed for my spiritual growth … sigh 😉


      1. Fill me in if you find something interesting – goddess knows I could use the help. Patience hmpf don’t like the idea of it. 🙂


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